Monday, July 16, 2007

Insulting, hypocrite and just plain bad karma!

Quote "I always felt that my brother was the foundation in our family, and I deem him worthy as a role model for kids like myself growing up. Shit happens, and if you listen and learn, you walk out clean."

This is a message that a "family" member has posted on his Facebook page. Now I am not sure what this person were thinking when they wrote this but COME ON MAN. GET A FUCKING CLUE. You can't badmouth someone and in the next sentence tell everyone that person is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Foundation? You always said this person was never there for you yet you claim he was the foundation of your family? Then why do you not ask this person when you need help moving (on your sisters B-Day to boot) and other issues for that matter? Why does this person persist on hating someone (family member) and not let that person even know why so they can at least defend themselves. Yes shit happens and if you put enough deodorant on you will come out "Smelling" clean on the surface. Now I won’t even pretend to know what’s going on with him or his brother but As far as I can tell there is only one person even trying to change for the better and that is their sister.

Seeing this can only make me wonder what other lies and hypocrisy has been dealt to unsuspecting family or other mutual acquaintances. I have heard some of it already and can’t help wondering WHY? Is there a motive? Is this person seeking something? WHY? WHY? WHY Mr. Anderson?

Here is another thing while I am at it. Do you think it’s fair that an uncle is able to see his niece but the auntie never sees her nieces? I wonder what goes on in this uncle’s head when his ex brother in law comes over to his place his niece is there. I mean it is his ex brother in law’s daughter but more importantly his sister’s daughter and in his shoes I would feel a little uncomfortable with it. Now because of the way things are, uncle does not have to talk to his sister to see his niece but NEVER EVER calls his sister to see how she or the rest of the family is doing and is missing out on his currently only nephew who does not even know who his uncle is.

If anything I have a very forgiving nature and in a day or so will have already forgotten all about this.

I could probably write all night but will end it with this

If you do end up reading this just remember one thing. The people around you don’t only talk to you. They talk to others as well, sometimes about you and the things you may have said or done towards others. Eventually leading to the truth and therefore also leading to the lies and deceit so it’s up to you what path you take but in the end they all lead to who you are inside. So the question is, do you want to smell clean or come clean? WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE?


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