Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Affiliate/Refferals BULLSHIT

I am continuously looking for an Internet business and Affiliate/Referral systems seem to be the norm at this time. This is basically sending people to other sites with your referral ID and getting a cut on any sales that may occur. This used to be a Pay Par Click system in the past, which was easy to cheat because all you had to do was have people click on the link.

All of these programs can work if you put the time and effort in to it. That is, advertising and getting people to buy things via your referral ID. Most companies hire a third party to recruit members that will do the advertising for all their affiliate programs and they make a small cut on all sales as well the members who sign up with them. Most of these have no charges for becoming a member since it is to their advantage that they get more followers. Others can charge quite a bit of $$ to start you up and make the same promises of success as any of the free ones. This is where I have an issue.

Yesterday I requested some information about an online moneymaking Monster (so they say). Today I received a call from them and got the low down after all the hype and I was not holding back on the questions for a change. Here is how it went down.

Ring ring ring

Them: Hello, bla bla bla bla you requested information from us regarding bla bla bla bla.
Would you be willing to spend 1 hour or more working at home to make more money?

Me: DUH!!!

Them: ok I will let you listen to a prerecorded message and I will be back afterwards.
Recording goes on for about 9 min with all kinds of hype and high energy
Chit chat. Not to mention that it was WAY TO LOUD. I had the phone about 8 inches away from my ear and the poor speaker was distorting. Any way the recording says things like with a small setup fee we can setup your website and the yearly hosting cost of $19 was included and bla bla bla bla. Basically they say “We setup your site, get you going within 2 days and we help you bring in the customers.” After she comes back on.

Them: Well what did you think?
Me: Sounds like a lot of hype!!

A little pause from them

Them: well let me explain what you will get from us.

Me: How much?

Them: Bla bla bla bla bla


Them: we can start you up for 149$. Does that sound reasonable to you?

Me: All right, go on.

Them: So have you heard of Affiliate systems. They are bla bla bla bla (I explained this
before) and we deal with the likes of eBay, Amazon and so on. We set you up and start you on your way to making big money. You send us customers but we help you do it. This system really works bla bla bla bla bla.

Me: So why do I have to buy in if it so much money can be made? Can’t you set me up
for free like many other affiliate programs do?

Them: well we have a team of 50 people here to get you started and help you along. All
you have to do is advertise your affiliate website.

Me: But you are not answering my question!! Why should I pay if it will automatically
start giving me a return?

Them: Because we set you up with 3 websites and all these people will be working to
Help you succeed…(I interrupt)

Me: I am sure the websites are just clones. A simple copy and paste will make them and I
have affiliate programs that I do make $$ with but are completely free.

Them: this is not an affiliate Program; it is a referrals program that bla bla bla bla bla. (Didn’t she say before that is was an affiliate program) Let
Me finish my presentation and I will answer you questions after.

Me: No, please listen to my question. Why do you need me if your program is so great?
Why can’t you just go out and do all of this yourself and keep all the money if it is so easy? WHY DO YOU NEED ME?

Them: Well I guess we don’t! Thank you, Good-bye.

So what I gathered from this is there is a high probability it is crap but they make $$ on people who try and do not follow through or simply realize it is a scam and move on. I have done a lot of advertising on the Internet and it is not that easy to get people to view you site in particular. In fact it is down right a pain in the ass. Unless someone can prove me otherwise it can cost you a lot of Money to get good rankings in the search engines and even then. SOMEONE PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG AND SHOW ME THE WAY.


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