This would be my latest way to make some money online. it consists of writing articles about whatever subject you find on the site and maybe even some subjects that are not if they are worthwhile enough to create a new category for.
I am talking about a site called Helium. It is essentially a site of probably Thousands of articles about all subjects and when you write an article that is fairly well ranked you actually get some Money from it. Now it may only be pennies (could be much more) per article per month but if you have 100 articles then you can make some decent extra cash every month no? You can request money once you reach $25 or you can wait for a larger sum before you request it. Payment is made via Paypal.
Below is a link to all of my articles of you are interested.
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Also, if you earn writing and rating stars by April 15th, you will earn upfront payments for every article you've submitted between Jan 7th and April 15th. If you earn 5 writing stars and 3 rating stars you will earn $3 per article submitted.
If you submit the 100 articles you suggested, that's $300 PLUS the residual earnings from each article.
There is potential to earn a good chunk of change with this reward-a-thon, but the key to earning stars is quality then quantity.
Best of luck,
Crystal Hoyt
Helium. Where Knowledge Rules.
Thank you for adding that in. There are also marketplace and Contest to make more Money from as well.
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