Sunday, February 03, 2008

Starting to Pay off No.2

You may already heard of Google's "Adsense".  If not  it is a simple way to make money off of your site. It can be used in different ways and is placed on your website for people to click on. The first basic way is to have a banner with links that actually use the content of your site to match up it's links along the same subject lines. Have a look here for an example. If you look at the bottom where it says "ads by Google" You will notice that my site generally is about happy faces so the links tend to gravitate towrds that subject. And if you would prefer not to have similar links that may be from your competitors you can block those out. There are  other types of systems with adsense but I find this one to be the most profitable. But please go ahead and use  there other referals and links. Your site may be better suited for them so try. What do you have to lose?
Tomorrow I will talk a bit about Comission Junction

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