In keeping with my wanting to make more money I added more pictures to my T-Shirt site. These however were not created by me. These were created by my Daughter. They are very cute and deserve to be shown off. I have named them as follows (click the links to see them): Butterfly, Big sister, Kids ART, Little Brother and Jelly Fish and net. Who knows, depending on what she does with her life these may actually become valuable.
Next I will try to locate my sons ARTWORK and do the same with his. I remember one that was very abstract and may be a lot of fun on a mousepad or t-shirt.
Oh yeah, and by the way. I sold an other Cheeky face t-Shirt today. I and my Cheeky face are MONEY MAGNETS.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Cheeky face 3D Animations
In my last post I spoke about my "Cheeky Face" creation and how I want it to evolve. My last thoughts on this are to actually create a 3D animation. But the real question is what would Cheeky do? I was thinking he could fight with the other Happy Faces in the media like the one from Wal Mart as well as other commercial figures like the Pillsbury doughboy or the talking Gecko.
The issue with this is that I would have to learn a new 3D creation application because the one I know is too limited as to what It can do and would make for a crude animation at best.
Must think about it some more…………….
The issue with this is that I would have to learn a new 3D creation application because the one I know is too limited as to what It can do and would make for a crude animation at best.
Must think about it some more…………….
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Creating some Passive income

A year ago last month I signed up and opened my own online t-shirt shop and only recently have I made any money off of it. Now it’s not a lot of money but it got me thinking about what I could do to improve the sales. I Figure the sales came from one of my creations called “Cheeky Face” . This is to date my favorite happy face creation. I also placed this happy face in different contexts to expand or increase its appeal to more people and I believe this to be the reason of these sales. Now what else can I do to unlock the potential behind the “Cheeky Face” and myself for that matter? So far I have placed links on other web sites, reactivated my adwords account so the links show up in Google searches and placed free ads on as well as on local free classifieds.
Here is a little explanation for you. I call it a t-shirt shop because people understand the premise of it without much explaining and I hate explaining the same thing over and over again. In this shop you can upload images that you created and place them on T-Shirts, Mugs, Mouse pads, Calendars, Clocks and much more merchandise. Then once your images are set up on the products you have chosen you set your profit margin or rates. I usually go for 20% but you must be careful as the host site ( will take an additional 5% if the profit margin goes over $15.
Now there are two ways to make $$ on this site. Well actually 3 ways. One is to simply sell your products. The second is to refer others to open up a shop using your user ID and in doing so you get commissions off of any sales they make. The third is from affiliate sales. This is when people initially come from your shop and buys from another shop.
If all this sounds easy that is because it really is and if you want to give it a try I can guide you through it. Simply ask. After all, If I help you make some $$ that means I make some too.
Well that's it for now
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Collective lawsuit
Hello again,
In my efforts to either get support or my money back from (or Boonex) I have tried to reason with them but the last thing I did was to send them a letter requesting my money back. Neither of which has resulted in a response. Sooooooooooo. To continue to try and get either support or money back I would ask any of you with the same issues to contact me in order to start a petition of sorts via email to get them to reimburse or at least continue the support we were promised. I may even use my forum setup for us to be able to communicate without being censored. This will of course depend on the interest shown.
Thank you
Stephan (aka MacPhreak)
In my efforts to either get support or my money back from (or Boonex) I have tried to reason with them but the last thing I did was to send them a letter requesting my money back. Neither of which has resulted in a response. Sooooooooooo. To continue to try and get either support or money back I would ask any of you with the same issues to contact me in order to start a petition of sorts via email to get them to reimburse or at least continue the support we were promised. I may even use my forum setup for us to be able to communicate without being censored. This will of course depend on the interest shown.
Thank you
Stephan (aka MacPhreak)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Why is it that when you tell someone about something you want to do or try they always have something negative to say? I am looking into opening an ADULT chat web site where people (not just men) pay for a one on one chat with a woman or man that they choose off of the web site. Someone has told my wife that men don’t pay for porn……….Bullshit. Now I don't know about you but from what I can tell, Porn is Big business everywhere. Especially when it is personalized or tailored to the payee’s needs or wants. All I can say to those people is, YOU DO THE MATH!!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
They just SUCK sucks and should lick crusty balls.
Ask me why if you dare!!! I did mention them in an earlier post.
Ask me why if you dare!!! I did mention them in an earlier post.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
More Driving!!
Well to continue from yesterdays post about driving we will now talk about stop signs. While people are driving around they seem to be forgetting one thing. STOPPING!!! No one seems to actually stop at stop signs anymore and many barely even slow down at all. I myself don't completely stop but I do at least come close to stopping most of the time. I live right at an intersection where ther are 3 stops. It's a "T" intersection and my place is right on top of the "T" so to speak. So I can literally sit on my balcony for 1 hour and count on one hand the cars that actually do a proper stop.
Definition of how a stop is supposed to be executed
(in my opinion of course).
Come to a complete stop for 3 seconds; look to see if someone was at the intersection before you and if there are any pedestrians trying to get across. If there is someone (person or car) there before you, you must let him or her proceed ahead of you. This seems like common sense to me. But we all know this is not the way it goes down. Especially at a four way stop with multiple lanes on both streets. At these intersection if you do not force your way out often you will not even get to pass. Why is it so difficult for people to wait their FRICKEN turn at a stop Sign?
Oh and by the way. Concerning yesterdays post about tailgaters and such. If you are tailgating behind me and I am alone in the car you should expect me to hit the brakes very hard. Reasons: 1) I don't really care that much for my car. 2) I need a new tailgate because ford didn't think people would try to close it by pushing down in different places so the tailgate is now dented from just closing the darn thing. 3) I really HATE tailgaters. So if you see a Silver Ford Focus Wagon with on the back window I suggest you keep your distance and also keep in mind that there may be other people that think the same way I do.
And I almost forgot about this one. Turing left at a red light. You supposed to turn only if the coast is clear, not when you see a car coming down the road a 60kph and is almost at the corner. I guess this qualifies as being cut off. When it happens that someone does that to me I do it on purpose to get REAL close to him or her (when I am alone in the car of course). Because remember, I don’t really care much for my car and if I can get a Japanese car instead of my dumb ass American car then I may just hit you (accidentally on purpose of course).
Next post! American car vs. Japanese car, which one do you think is better? Oh this one should be fun. Later
Well to continue from yesterdays post about driving we will now talk about stop signs. While people are driving around they seem to be forgetting one thing. STOPPING!!! No one seems to actually stop at stop signs anymore and many barely even slow down at all. I myself don't completely stop but I do at least come close to stopping most of the time. I live right at an intersection where ther are 3 stops. It's a "T" intersection and my place is right on top of the "T" so to speak. So I can literally sit on my balcony for 1 hour and count on one hand the cars that actually do a proper stop.
Definition of how a stop is supposed to be executed
(in my opinion of course).
Come to a complete stop for 3 seconds; look to see if someone was at the intersection before you and if there are any pedestrians trying to get across. If there is someone (person or car) there before you, you must let him or her proceed ahead of you. This seems like common sense to me. But we all know this is not the way it goes down. Especially at a four way stop with multiple lanes on both streets. At these intersection if you do not force your way out often you will not even get to pass. Why is it so difficult for people to wait their FRICKEN turn at a stop Sign?
Oh and by the way. Concerning yesterdays post about tailgaters and such. If you are tailgating behind me and I am alone in the car you should expect me to hit the brakes very hard. Reasons: 1) I don't really care that much for my car. 2) I need a new tailgate because ford didn't think people would try to close it by pushing down in different places so the tailgate is now dented from just closing the darn thing. 3) I really HATE tailgaters. So if you see a Silver Ford Focus Wagon with on the back window I suggest you keep your distance and also keep in mind that there may be other people that think the same way I do.
And I almost forgot about this one. Turing left at a red light. You supposed to turn only if the coast is clear, not when you see a car coming down the road a 60kph and is almost at the corner. I guess this qualifies as being cut off. When it happens that someone does that to me I do it on purpose to get REAL close to him or her (when I am alone in the car of course). Because remember, I don’t really care much for my car and if I can get a Japanese car instead of my dumb ass American car then I may just hit you (accidentally on purpose of course).
Next post! American car vs. Japanese car, which one do you think is better? Oh this one should be fun. Later
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Driving and Drivers
hello again(not that anyone cares)
If any of the people reading do any driving I am sure you will see yourself somewhere within these words.
First off, Driving. I love to drive. Get in the car, put on your seatbelt, start the engine (if your lucky you will hear a nice roar form under the hood), adjust the radio or put in a CD, Take off the hand brake and go. Where? Who cares really? Pick a direction and see where it takes you. Well, at least until you have to come back because you have to work the next day.
Driving can be a lot of fun, but unfortunately there are those that would take that pleasure away from you. You name it, tailgating, getting cut off, following a really slow car and so much more. But why are they like that? Are they in a hurry to get home so they can sit down for that extra minute that they saved by driving home real fast? Are they just assholes and don't care how many people they cut off on the way home? Don't get me wrong; I love to drive fast just as much or maybe even more than the other guy. However, I won't endanger others while doing it.
Lets go through some definitions of sorts
1) Cutting someone off
Cutting in front of someone in a way that forces him or her to use their brakes when they normally would not have had to.
2) Tailgating
If you cannot see the bumper of the car in back of you, you are being tailgated. Likewise, if you cannot see the rear wheels of the car in front of you, you are tailgating. Even if you are 1 full car length away from the car in front of you (especially on the highway) you are tailgating.
3) Excessive speed (not taking into account the speed limits)
Technically if you are not following the speed limit you’re going to fast. Now there are discrepancies that we will talk about later. In my opinion if you are trying to go faster than everyone else around you, you are going to fast. For instance, if everyone is driving 120kph and your doing 140kph then you are going to fast.
4) KPH - Kilometers Per Hour
Ok now that we cleared that up lets get into the discussion.
First thing that gets to me is this. You’re driving on the highway and your trying to keep your distance from the car in front of you. Everything is perfect until someone cuts in but does not necessarily cut you off. Now your distance is not good anymore so you have to back off from the new car that just cut in front of you. No Problem right, back off of the gas pedal a bit and get back your distance. So now you have your distance back and another car cuts in. Back off again right? Sure!! Yet another car in front of you. You see the picture? It's catch 22. Leave too much room and it will be taken. Don't leave enough and you are tailgating. What to do?? There is nothing to do really. There are to many cars on the road for these techniques to work properly so just do like everybody else does, try to leave just enough room so your not tailgating and not enough room for someone to cut in. But now this causes other issues. Most people will not cut into a space that they perceive as to small but some will cut in anyway because they just have to get into your lane to get home 1 minute earlier. Because of this you now have to use your brakes to keep from hitting them. In other words you get cut off.
Now speed
I don't have a problem with people driving fast. I have a problem with people driving fast and crazy. Weaving in and out of lanes to get ahead, cutting people off and always ending up someone elses rear (Tailgating).
Also there is another factor to all of this. Cars are designed to be most economical at around 90kph. So when you are driving at 100kph you are not really getting the fuel economy that the manufacturer states much less when you are driving at 120kph. So the faster you go the more it will cost you. Now driving fast has other type of wear and tear to your car as well. Brakes will wear out faster because your more often need to use them since you are going faster you are always up someone’s ass and it takes more brake power to stop from a higher speed. Speed also increases the power a hole in the road may have on the structure of your car. Your engine also turns faster therefore wears out faster. Your tires, bearings, transmission and so on and so on...... Get it?
Well that was talk about mostly highway driving. Next post will be more about city driving.
If any of the people reading do any driving I am sure you will see yourself somewhere within these words.
First off, Driving. I love to drive. Get in the car, put on your seatbelt, start the engine (if your lucky you will hear a nice roar form under the hood), adjust the radio or put in a CD, Take off the hand brake and go. Where? Who cares really? Pick a direction and see where it takes you. Well, at least until you have to come back because you have to work the next day.
Driving can be a lot of fun, but unfortunately there are those that would take that pleasure away from you. You name it, tailgating, getting cut off, following a really slow car and so much more. But why are they like that? Are they in a hurry to get home so they can sit down for that extra minute that they saved by driving home real fast? Are they just assholes and don't care how many people they cut off on the way home? Don't get me wrong; I love to drive fast just as much or maybe even more than the other guy. However, I won't endanger others while doing it.
Lets go through some definitions of sorts
1) Cutting someone off
Cutting in front of someone in a way that forces him or her to use their brakes when they normally would not have had to.
2) Tailgating
If you cannot see the bumper of the car in back of you, you are being tailgated. Likewise, if you cannot see the rear wheels of the car in front of you, you are tailgating. Even if you are 1 full car length away from the car in front of you (especially on the highway) you are tailgating.
3) Excessive speed (not taking into account the speed limits)
Technically if you are not following the speed limit you’re going to fast. Now there are discrepancies that we will talk about later. In my opinion if you are trying to go faster than everyone else around you, you are going to fast. For instance, if everyone is driving 120kph and your doing 140kph then you are going to fast.
4) KPH - Kilometers Per Hour
Ok now that we cleared that up lets get into the discussion.
First thing that gets to me is this. You’re driving on the highway and your trying to keep your distance from the car in front of you. Everything is perfect until someone cuts in but does not necessarily cut you off. Now your distance is not good anymore so you have to back off from the new car that just cut in front of you. No Problem right, back off of the gas pedal a bit and get back your distance. So now you have your distance back and another car cuts in. Back off again right? Sure!! Yet another car in front of you. You see the picture? It's catch 22. Leave too much room and it will be taken. Don't leave enough and you are tailgating. What to do?? There is nothing to do really. There are to many cars on the road for these techniques to work properly so just do like everybody else does, try to leave just enough room so your not tailgating and not enough room for someone to cut in. But now this causes other issues. Most people will not cut into a space that they perceive as to small but some will cut in anyway because they just have to get into your lane to get home 1 minute earlier. Because of this you now have to use your brakes to keep from hitting them. In other words you get cut off.
Now speed
I don't have a problem with people driving fast. I have a problem with people driving fast and crazy. Weaving in and out of lanes to get ahead, cutting people off and always ending up someone elses rear (Tailgating).
Also there is another factor to all of this. Cars are designed to be most economical at around 90kph. So when you are driving at 100kph you are not really getting the fuel economy that the manufacturer states much less when you are driving at 120kph. So the faster you go the more it will cost you. Now driving fast has other type of wear and tear to your car as well. Brakes will wear out faster because your more often need to use them since you are going faster you are always up someone’s ass and it takes more brake power to stop from a higher speed. Speed also increases the power a hole in the road may have on the structure of your car. Your engine also turns faster therefore wears out faster. Your tires, bearings, transmission and so on and so on...... Get it?
Well that was talk about mostly highway driving. Next post will be more about city driving.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Business Roadblock
Well a few months ago i started a new business and posted about it a few posts ago. Now before and as I was purchasing the script/program to run my site I had the BEST support ever and thought maybe these guys are going to give me the same support afterwards. I know it’s the Internet and Bells should have gone off when I saw there was no Phone number to call. Only Live chat or email or support forums with techs for presales and support afterwards.
I guess your wondering what went wrong? Well here goes. Now it’s not that big of an issue since the site IS up and RUNNING well but I have a problem with sending emails and not getting replies, chatting with techs or support personnel that have no clue what you want or have any authority do it if they knew what you wanted and buying a fully licensed product only to find out that they just sold it to an other company while they were toying around with you trying to make sure you purchased it. ARGGGGGGGG.
Ok here is more detail:
Free Upgrades:
I am supposed to get free support and updates for life right? How can they give me free updates if they just sold the darn thing and are not working on it anymore themselves? Now they are saying that there is an update but in doing so I have to downgrade to a FREE version of the script and have the new companies logos on my site. I JUST FRICKEN PAID FOR IT DAMMIT. I don’t want your darn logos on my site but I want the upgrade because it is better (or so they say). Now I can get a version of it without their company banners but I have to dish out some more Money to get it. How is that a free upgrade to my $690 US license? Don’t understand? Leave a comment please.
Support issues:
Nothing like sending out an email, getting the return receipt saying it was read but never getting a reply. Or posting something in the support forms and getting answer 2 months later. How is that SUPPORT? I used to sell Computers and even managed a store for a while and if I gave that kind of support to my customers they would never come back. Let me give you an example of GREAT support.
I had been working the Macintosh store for about 2 or 3 months (I think) when this couple comes in looking for a new Mouse for their old Performa. They were an older couple, probably in their 50’s or around that. So the gentleman hands me the mouse he wants to replace and says it does not move at all anymore. Right away I open up the mouse ball compartment and struggle to take out the ball (dirtiest mouse I ever saw but they did not know any better). So I proceed to take the crap off the movement wheels inside the ball compartment. This take me about 2 minutes and then I connect to an old (new then) Blue and White G3. Turn it on and the mouse works Flawlessly. They were so impressed that they stayed with me for about an hour (only possible in a none commission based store) looking around the store and asking questions about the new Graphite iMac’s. And then they left. My boss was like, what the hell was that? You fixed their mouse, talked to them for an hour and they left without buying anything? I was still new at sales but I knew I had done a good deed and a new mouse would have cost them about 25$. Big deal!! And I treated all my customers the same. Gave them what they needed, not what I thought they wanted like some of the other sales reps. Well not a month later the same couple comes back and asks for me specifically and would not have it any other way. They waited about 45 minutes for me to finish up with my other customer and refused many attempts by other reps to offer them service. Once they got to me they said this, “We want the iMac and accessories that you showed us the last time we were here. Since you fixed the mouse on our old computer we found that it is to slow for us to do any of the newer things that we saw on the iMac. BINGO! TAKE THAT RICK(boss)! But again I said wait one week before buying it. And they said, “WHY? We are ready to buy one now.”. Well if you wait one week the new models will come out at the same price or you can buy the old model at a lower price. It’s really up to you. So they waited and purchased the newer model but only with a printer and speakers. They said they would come back later for a scanner. A little while later I was to become manger at an other location of the same name. And they were very happy for me and said I deserved it. Once I move to the new location many of my customers followed but that couple still went to the store I was at before. The only thing is that they’d have a sales rep call me so they can talk to me. They would tell me what that rep told them and if it was true and so on. I told them that I trained that Sales rep myself and to trust him 100% but if they still needed to call me for anything that I would gladly help.
So treat customers like people, not like customers. Save them some money and they will have more to give you later.
Y’all bored yet?
All this is to say that I am very disappointed with the following companies. ..........for the good script but crappy service ...........for not offering existing customers a licensed upgrade
If you can, find someone else to do business with if you are in the market for the type of products they sell.
Macphreak out (Mac Freak out, ha that was funny)
I guess your wondering what went wrong? Well here goes. Now it’s not that big of an issue since the site IS up and RUNNING well but I have a problem with sending emails and not getting replies, chatting with techs or support personnel that have no clue what you want or have any authority do it if they knew what you wanted and buying a fully licensed product only to find out that they just sold it to an other company while they were toying around with you trying to make sure you purchased it. ARGGGGGGGG.
Ok here is more detail:
Free Upgrades:
I am supposed to get free support and updates for life right? How can they give me free updates if they just sold the darn thing and are not working on it anymore themselves? Now they are saying that there is an update but in doing so I have to downgrade to a FREE version of the script and have the new companies logos on my site. I JUST FRICKEN PAID FOR IT DAMMIT. I don’t want your darn logos on my site but I want the upgrade because it is better (or so they say). Now I can get a version of it without their company banners but I have to dish out some more Money to get it. How is that a free upgrade to my $690 US license? Don’t understand? Leave a comment please.
Support issues:
Nothing like sending out an email, getting the return receipt saying it was read but never getting a reply. Or posting something in the support forms and getting answer 2 months later. How is that SUPPORT? I used to sell Computers and even managed a store for a while and if I gave that kind of support to my customers they would never come back. Let me give you an example of GREAT support.
I had been working the Macintosh store for about 2 or 3 months (I think) when this couple comes in looking for a new Mouse for their old Performa. They were an older couple, probably in their 50’s or around that. So the gentleman hands me the mouse he wants to replace and says it does not move at all anymore. Right away I open up the mouse ball compartment and struggle to take out the ball (dirtiest mouse I ever saw but they did not know any better). So I proceed to take the crap off the movement wheels inside the ball compartment. This take me about 2 minutes and then I connect to an old (new then) Blue and White G3. Turn it on and the mouse works Flawlessly. They were so impressed that they stayed with me for about an hour (only possible in a none commission based store) looking around the store and asking questions about the new Graphite iMac’s. And then they left. My boss was like, what the hell was that? You fixed their mouse, talked to them for an hour and they left without buying anything? I was still new at sales but I knew I had done a good deed and a new mouse would have cost them about 25$. Big deal!! And I treated all my customers the same. Gave them what they needed, not what I thought they wanted like some of the other sales reps. Well not a month later the same couple comes back and asks for me specifically and would not have it any other way. They waited about 45 minutes for me to finish up with my other customer and refused many attempts by other reps to offer them service. Once they got to me they said this, “We want the iMac and accessories that you showed us the last time we were here. Since you fixed the mouse on our old computer we found that it is to slow for us to do any of the newer things that we saw on the iMac. BINGO! TAKE THAT RICK(boss)! But again I said wait one week before buying it. And they said, “WHY? We are ready to buy one now.”. Well if you wait one week the new models will come out at the same price or you can buy the old model at a lower price. It’s really up to you. So they waited and purchased the newer model but only with a printer and speakers. They said they would come back later for a scanner. A little while later I was to become manger at an other location of the same name. And they were very happy for me and said I deserved it. Once I move to the new location many of my customers followed but that couple still went to the store I was at before. The only thing is that they’d have a sales rep call me so they can talk to me. They would tell me what that rep told them and if it was true and so on. I told them that I trained that Sales rep myself and to trust him 100% but if they still needed to call me for anything that I would gladly help.
So treat customers like people, not like customers. Save them some money and they will have more to give you later.
Y’all bored yet?
All this is to say that I am very disappointed with the following companies. ..........for the good script but crappy service ...........for not offering existing customers a licensed upgrade
If you can, find someone else to do business with if you are in the market for the type of products they sell.
Macphreak out (Mac Freak out, ha that was funny)
Monday, May 15, 2006
Fuzzy logic and more
Ever wonder about the human intellect? How some people think and do things that are just crazy. Of course what we do is never crazy. What we do for ourselves is completely sane, isn't it? my honest opinion it is completely sane for one to do what they need to do and at the same time when viewed from an other persons perspective it is TOTALY nuts. So the question is. How do you know who is really nuts and who is sane. "Insane" by psychological definition is to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Know any one like that? Guess we are all guilty of that at one point or an other. But does that really make us insane? It always comes back to the same questions. A bird trying to get out of a building will continuously try to go through a closed window until it dies trying to get out. Does that make it insane or desperate or is that the same thing? Desperation will make you do insane things then? That explains the relationship of some people I know.
There are 2 questions that I ask everyone (well almost everyone). The first is "What is the meaning of purpose?". Most people answer by giving one of the definitions which are as follows. 1: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions. 2: what something is used for. Both are right of course but then I follow up with this question. "What is the purpose of meaning?", To which I have yet to get an answer for nor do I even know what to reply to it myself. Don't give me no Jesus this and God that. I am so beyond these petty weak minded games that the church tries to push/scare people into thinking you will go to hell if you don't believe and so on. The church and its religion's were created to scare man into complacency and to create wealth for themselves and it is still going on today. A long time ago the church and its god fairing servants were the ones who pretty much made the laws that governed it's people and were usually the richest ones in their town or city. Speaking of which, I have to go see “the Da Vinci Code”, here is the trailer if your interested.
I am off now
There are 2 questions that I ask everyone (well almost everyone). The first is "What is the meaning of purpose?". Most people answer by giving one of the definitions which are as follows. 1: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions. 2: what something is used for. Both are right of course but then I follow up with this question. "What is the purpose of meaning?", To which I have yet to get an answer for nor do I even know what to reply to it myself. Don't give me no Jesus this and God that. I am so beyond these petty weak minded games that the church tries to push/scare people into thinking you will go to hell if you don't believe and so on. The church and its religion's were created to scare man into complacency and to create wealth for themselves and it is still going on today. A long time ago the church and its god fairing servants were the ones who pretty much made the laws that governed it's people and were usually the richest ones in their town or city. Speaking of which, I have to go see “the Da Vinci Code”, here is the trailer if your interested.
I am off now
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Not that Curious!!
I guess either people are not reading this blog or are just not curious. The business I was reffering to in my last post was a dating website. Since my last post I have managed to setup and start marketing my site. Have a look at Hey and while your there, sign up. It is free(for now) after all. Any members that sign up before we go charging people will get a preffered member account. Not sure what that means yet but it will be better than a regular account. Maybe something like the price of standard account to get a premium account. Or so many free credits per month for a year or whatever we figure out would be best suited for a our first x number of users.
We will also be adding a feature onto it in the near future which had been real big in the Japan dating world since about 3 years. Can you figure out what that is? Would be cool to see if any of you are savey?
We will also be adding a feature onto it in the near future which had been real big in the Japan dating world since about 3 years. Can you figure out what that is? Would be cool to see if any of you are savey?
Friday, April 07, 2006
Started a new Business
Well I finaly found what I know is going to work. A business that will not only bring in the money but it will do so without me. There are already quite a few of them running online and all of them are making repectable amounts of money (some way more than others) but if I was to tap into 1 percent of what they are making I would be VERY VERY VERY VERY happy indeed. There is one that I know of that has 900,000 members and growing. Sure some of those members are probably dormant accounts but with that many people in mind don't you think 1 percent is a lot? Picture this, 9000 members at an average of lets say $20 US a month. That is $180,000 a month and it should/will grow every month. There is LOTS of room for this business to grow because there are literally Thousands and 1000's of new Internet users every day and at 900,000 members they have not even begun to saturate the market. Curious?
Monday, February 27, 2006
Project Rc Car
Spent the better part of the morning and afternoon working on a Tamiya Tamtech. I converted it to run as an offraod truck instead of it's boring OnRoad only chassis. I took about 8 hours to complete and look awsome. It was fun to modify but now it's going on ebay. go here to see it. There is a link (sales icon) to ebay on that page if you are curious to see how much it went for.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Business ideas!!
Hello again, been a while sine I posted anything. I've been thinking of ideas for making money since I am sick and tired of working for others and always getting let down. Our hours got reduced by 8 hours today because there is not much to do. While I understand why they are cutting hours instead of laying people off it still sucks. You get used to getting a certain amount of $$ every week and when this happens you have to make sure everything gets paid but the problem is there is no longer enough money. I keep making more happy faces and other stuff to sell in my CafePress stores(see happy face link on the right). It would be REALLY COOL if people would buy stuff from me. Then I could use the extra money to pay bills or at least go on a fricken vacation with my wife and kids already. So far i have had 1 sale of a t-shirt with the Cheeky Face on it(again, see happy face Link on the right). Maybe you can have a look? Maybe thee will be something there you like? Maybeyou have an idea for a new Hapy Face you would like to see made or even buy from me.
I also sell Miniature Lathes but they are being updated right now and I don't think people want to buy an older model when the know the new one will be so much better and come with more equipment. If you car curious please use the 'Miniature Lathes" link on the right. These are great for RAdio Controlled Car lovers like my self, Dollhousemakers, Jewelers and many other hobbies that require some machining or metal or woodworking.
I know this post seems like one big advertisment for selling my stuff and well I guess it just might be. but hey, Why not, I am worth it.
I also sell Miniature Lathes but they are being updated right now and I don't think people want to buy an older model when the know the new one will be so much better and come with more equipment. If you car curious please use the 'Miniature Lathes" link on the right. These are great for RAdio Controlled Car lovers like my self, Dollhousemakers, Jewelers and many other hobbies that require some machining or metal or woodworking.
I know this post seems like one big advertisment for selling my stuff and well I guess it just might be. but hey, Why not, I am worth it.
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