Wednesday, July 12, 2006

More Driving!!


Well to continue from yesterdays post about driving we will now talk about stop signs. While people are driving around they seem to be forgetting one thing. STOPPING!!! No one seems to actually stop at stop signs anymore and many barely even slow down at all. I myself don't completely stop but I do at least come close to stopping most of the time. I live right at an intersection where ther are 3 stops. It's a "T" intersection and my place is right on top of the "T" so to speak. So I can literally sit on my balcony for 1 hour and count on one hand the cars that actually do a proper stop.

Definition of how a stop is supposed to be executed
(in my opinion of course).
Come to a complete stop for 3 seconds; look to see if someone was at the intersection before you and if there are any pedestrians trying to get across. If there is someone (person or car) there before you, you must let him or her proceed ahead of you. This seems like common sense to me. But we all know this is not the way it goes down. Especially at a four way stop with multiple lanes on both streets. At these intersection if you do not force your way out often you will not even get to pass. Why is it so difficult for people to wait their FRICKEN turn at a stop Sign?

Oh and by the way. Concerning yesterdays post about tailgaters and such. If you are tailgating behind me and I am alone in the car you should expect me to hit the brakes very hard. Reasons: 1) I don't really care that much for my car. 2) I need a new tailgate because ford didn't think people would try to close it by pushing down in different places so the tailgate is now dented from just closing the darn thing. 3) I really HATE tailgaters. So if you see a Silver Ford Focus Wagon with on the back window I suggest you keep your distance and also keep in mind that there may be other people that think the same way I do.

And I almost forgot about this one. Turing left at a red light. You supposed to turn only if the coast is clear, not when you see a car coming down the road a 60kph and is almost at the corner. I guess this qualifies as being cut off. When it happens that someone does that to me I do it on purpose to get REAL close to him or her (when I am alone in the car of course). Because remember, I don’t really care much for my car and if I can get a Japanese car instead of my dumb ass American car then I may just hit you (accidentally on purpose of course).

Next post! American car vs. Japanese car, which one do you think is better? Oh this one should be fun. Later


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