Well a few months ago i started a new business and posted about it a few posts ago. Now before and as I was purchasing the script/program to run my site I had the BEST support ever and thought maybe these guys are going to give me the same support afterwards. I know it’s the Internet and Bells should have gone off when I saw there was no Phone number to call. Only Live chat or email or support forums with techs for presales and support afterwards.
I guess your wondering what went wrong? Well here goes. Now it’s not that big of an issue since the site IS up and RUNNING well but I have a problem with sending emails and not getting replies, chatting with techs or support personnel that have no clue what you want or have any authority do it if they knew what you wanted and buying a fully licensed product only to find out that they just sold it to an other company while they were toying around with you trying to make sure you purchased it. ARGGGGGGGG.
Ok here is more detail:
Free Upgrades:
I am supposed to get free support and updates for life right? How can they give me free updates if they just sold the darn thing and are not working on it anymore themselves? Now they are saying that there is an update but in doing so I have to downgrade to a FREE version of the script and have the new companies logos on my site. I JUST FRICKEN PAID FOR IT DAMMIT. I don’t want your darn logos on my site but I want the upgrade because it is better (or so they say). Now I can get a version of it without their company banners but I have to dish out some more Money to get it. How is that a free upgrade to my $690 US license? Don’t understand? Leave a comment please.
Support issues:
Nothing like sending out an email, getting the return receipt saying it was read but never getting a reply. Or posting something in the support forms and getting answer 2 months later. How is that SUPPORT? I used to sell Computers and even managed a store for a while and if I gave that kind of support to my customers they would never come back. Let me give you an example of GREAT support.
I had been working the Macintosh store for about 2 or 3 months (I think) when this couple comes in looking for a new Mouse for their old Performa. They were an older couple, probably in their 50’s or around that. So the gentleman hands me the mouse he wants to replace and says it does not move at all anymore. Right away I open up the mouse ball compartment and struggle to take out the ball (dirtiest mouse I ever saw but they did not know any better). So I proceed to take the crap off the movement wheels inside the ball compartment. This take me about 2 minutes and then I connect to an old (new then) Blue and White G3. Turn it on and the mouse works Flawlessly. They were so impressed that they stayed with me for about an hour (only possible in a none commission based store) looking around the store and asking questions about the new Graphite iMac’s. And then they left. My boss was like, what the hell was that? You fixed their mouse, talked to them for an hour and they left without buying anything? I was still new at sales but I knew I had done a good deed and a new mouse would have cost them about 25$. Big deal!! And I treated all my customers the same. Gave them what they needed, not what I thought they wanted like some of the other sales reps. Well not a month later the same couple comes back and asks for me specifically and would not have it any other way. They waited about 45 minutes for me to finish up with my other customer and refused many attempts by other reps to offer them service. Once they got to me they said this, “We want the iMac and accessories that you showed us the last time we were here. Since you fixed the mouse on our old computer we found that it is to slow for us to do any of the newer things that we saw on the iMac. BINGO! TAKE THAT RICK(boss)! But again I said wait one week before buying it. And they said, “WHY? We are ready to buy one now.”. Well if you wait one week the new models will come out at the same price or you can buy the old model at a lower price. It’s really up to you. So they waited and purchased the newer model but only with a printer and speakers. They said they would come back later for a scanner. A little while later I was to become manger at an other location of the same name. And they were very happy for me and said I deserved it. Once I move to the new location many of my customers followed but that couple still went to the store I was at before. The only thing is that they’d have a sales rep call me so they can talk to me. They would tell me what that rep told them and if it was true and so on. I told them that I trained that Sales rep myself and to trust him 100% but if they still needed to call me for anything that I would gladly help.
So treat customers like people, not like customers. Save them some money and they will have more to give you later.
Y’all bored yet?
All this is to say that I am very disappointed with the following companies.
http://aewebworks.com ..........for the good script but crappy service
http://boonex.com ...........for not offering existing customers a licensed upgrade
If you can, find someone else to do business with if you are in the market for the type of products they sell.
Macphreak out (Mac Freak out, ha that was funny)
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