Saturday, March 14, 2009

Used Computers and you!

Hey peeps, Just thought I would share my 2 cents on what seems to be some sort of epidemic in the used computer world.

I am currently shopping for a new/previously owned iMac and in my search found something to be a little disturbing. Individuals and companies selling used machines are trying to up the price of their sale by including pirated software. This means they are not including the serial numbers or the CD/dvd's of the original software and if you do not have the install disks then most likely the software is pirated. There are exceptions to this but in most cases it applies.

Maybe some people don't realize that they are buying pirated software but I am sure many buy knowingly. Now I am not one to say you cannot have this software on your machine nor will I spill the beans on people who do. 

My point here is why should I pay for something illegal when all I want is to buy a used machine for a decent price. In my searches I seen some machines priced the same or close to the same as a newer model because of the so called included software. One even had a list of applications so long and varied I wonder if there is even any room left on the 320 gig Hard drive not to mention the total cost of the pirated software to be between 30 000 to 50 000 $$$$. 

I think you get the point! Just be aware that if you buy the computer with pirated software your just as prosecutable as the person who pirated it. Unless you delete it once you get home. But that brings to mind my dilemma. Why pay for it in the first place if your just gonna delete it.

MacPhreak out.

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