Friday, April 17, 2009

Still waiting

SIGH!, I am still waiting for my items to come in the mail in order to finish my HD Tower project. I have already tested with once hard drive since  I have one of those USB to EIDE cables and it seems to work very well and pretty fast too. Lets see how it does with 6 or 7 devices installed on the USB Bus.

I also have to design and build a soft switch to power it on and off. Right now I have to plug and unplug it.

MacPhreak out

Monday, April 06, 2009

Part one of the HD Tower.

OK I figured what I need to do to activate the power supply. Basically momentarily connecting pin 6 to 3 on the power supply connector.

I ordered 6 USB to IDE/SATA cables and 2 x 7 port USB Hubs off of ebay. The price was great but the shipping cost was not so great. Should be getting  these things within the next 2 weeks.

Out of  the G4 there are things that can still be sold  for some decent money or at least to cover the cost of  this project. The RAM, Video Card, Modem, and  the most important one, the Sonnet  Encore G4/1000mhz Upgrade processor. The Motherboard I believe is fading away on a daily basis therefore will be trashed unless someone wants it for parts. Any Takers?

My Guess is that it will work well. however I am assuming it  might not be as fast as a real Hard Drive unit. 

I am wondering if I should install individual Power switches for each device. Considering there will be up to 6 ide/sata units installed that might be a good idea. One of those units is a DVD/RW that I would not be needing very often and only the 2 x 20gb HD's will be used regularly for backup purposes. 

Any way, once I get started I will take some pictures and try to document my progress.

MacPhreak out..............

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New (used) Computer. What about the old one?

Well today I purchased a used white Intel iMac and got a great Deal on it too. But thats not our subject for today. This post is about my old G4/400 tower and what I will attempt to do with it.

Since  the raid and multi hard drive towers  are fairly expensive I will be turning a computer tower into a basic Hard Drive unit. No need for the motherboard but I will be using the  built in power supply to provide the Hard Drives with the juice they need. I will purchase a 7 port USB 2.o hub and some USB to IDE cables off of ebay in order to wire it all up. I really don't see why it wouldn't work. I will take pictures and post them when get started. It shouldn't cost more than $30 CDN from what I can tell and I have a bunch of Hard Drives I can use (and need to use since they are my artwork backup).

More Later
MacPhreak out

Monday, March 16, 2009

True Nature

Hey all, I just changed my blog name to reflect more of myself. As in the title pretty much describes me and what I am capable of. A few other titles came to mind like "making everything out of everything" or "making anything out of everything" but "Making everything out of nothing" seems like the one. It symbolizes to what degree people simply discard items that mean NOTHING to them that can be used to fix  or modify something else. 

As far as I can tell in todays society it is a lot easier to simply go out and buy what it is you need instead of thinking of an alternate way to use something you already have. I am not talking about making a new car or building a computer from scratch. Rather taking a dresser that has outlived its usefulness can be converted into another piece of furniture or combined with something else to save on space. 

Last year we took  my son's 2 dressers and a box-spring and created a captains bed. That is, the box-spring was dissembled to leave only the top layer, that top layer frame was mounted on the dressers on one side and the rest of the box-spring pieces were used to create the rear part of the support system. all this stuff we already had and therefore it cost us nothing to build it. Of course if you don't have tools then your gonna have to buy some but then these tools won't be  part of the cost on your next project. By the way, always respect your tools as they can be dangerous if used incorrectly. If you do not know how to use them get someone to show you.

My journeys have been mostly related to Radio Controlled cars but I have fixed and made things out of items that were headed for the trash and I will be posting more on this as I can get pictures and other info together to show you.

In the meantime in a challenge to you and myself I am asking you (the reader, if any) to take an item that you would normally toss out into the garbage and try to use it. At the same time letting me know what this item is and I will do the same as long as its something that I use as well and do not have to go out and purchase it.

MacPhreak out!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Used Computers and you!

Hey peeps, Just thought I would share my 2 cents on what seems to be some sort of epidemic in the used computer world.

I am currently shopping for a new/previously owned iMac and in my search found something to be a little disturbing. Individuals and companies selling used machines are trying to up the price of their sale by including pirated software. This means they are not including the serial numbers or the CD/dvd's of the original software and if you do not have the install disks then most likely the software is pirated. There are exceptions to this but in most cases it applies.

Maybe some people don't realize that they are buying pirated software but I am sure many buy knowingly. Now I am not one to say you cannot have this software on your machine nor will I spill the beans on people who do. 

My point here is why should I pay for something illegal when all I want is to buy a used machine for a decent price. In my searches I seen some machines priced the same or close to the same as a newer model because of the so called included software. One even had a list of applications so long and varied I wonder if there is even any room left on the 320 gig Hard drive not to mention the total cost of the pirated software to be between 30 000 to 50 000 $$$$. 

I think you get the point! Just be aware that if you buy the computer with pirated software your just as prosecutable as the person who pirated it. Unless you delete it once you get home. But that brings to mind my dilemma. Why pay for it in the first place if your just gonna delete it.

MacPhreak out.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

"The Secret" What is it really all about?

In my humble opinion this is simply getting what you want out of life by means of proper focus and redirecting or reprogramming your brain. But how do we do that? The movie does not really tell us does it? Maybe that is why there is a book out there called "Secret Of The Secret".

To tell you the truth I have seen this in action, however I did not know it at the time. Here is my story proving the theory or presence of "The Secret". 

I will be omitting many details to keep this short but rest assured you will get enough details to realize this to be true. At around 9 years old my daughter was admitted into the Montreal Children's Hospital. After a few scans we were told she had a mass growing on her brain-stem. This obviously was a big shock to us but this story is not about us. She had a few operations, one of which was to remove the mass and that one lasted 12 hours. The doctors told us  that kids having had this operation have to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks minimum. 

Well during the entire ordeal the only thing my daughter would focus on was going home and being home on her birthday and sleeping in her bed. Well believe it or not, after one week the doctors told us we could go home. We were like  "WHAT?" how is that possible, "you told us  she would have to stay for about 3 weeks!". The Doctors then proceeded to mention that they were impressed and  had never seen such a fast recovery.

So, my daughter was home on her Birthday and is now 13 years old and according to her last exam she is in great health. 

But its not till last year, after having seen "The Secret"  dozens of times that we realized that she was using the secret to her full advantage. We had already been  putting some of  the ideas mentioned in the secret in motion before our realization and  some of the goals were focusing on are  bearing fruit.

For example, I was wanting a better paying job and whenever I found myself straying into negative and or fleeting thoughts I kept saying to myself, "I am well, I am healthy, I am wealthy".  Just a few months ago I was offered a job as a computer tech in a college but I liked my job where  I was  for multiple reasons. However the new offer was more money and the only drawback was I would have to travel at least 2 hours there and back. My current job was just around the corner and literally took me less than 5 minutes by car. So I spoke to my boss and now I have both, more money and  a job that is close by.

All of this is to say to you. Simply focus on YOU and YOUR goals and pay less attention to  the negative aspects. As mentioned in "The Secret", call up a consolidation organization and get your debt  all fixed up so you can focus on better things. They actually freed up over 200$ a month for us leaving us much more breathing room. Therefore letting us live a little better and feel much better about ourselves.

"I am well, I am healthy, I am wealthy"

This phrase I made up for myself.

I know or knew some people that complained relentlessly. I think I have this or my neck hurts or I  think I am depressed. Even then I would think to myself, your always sick and depressed because that's all you think about. Or you always have money problems  and failed relationships because your thinking is wrong. Heck, I just realized that I knew about The Secret even before I saw the DVD. I just didn't know how to use it to my advantage. A little while ago my son pointed ou to me that I was never sick (as in having a cold). A 6 year old had just shown me that The Secret works. Again, something I didn't know I was already doing. I have always told myself that I don't catch colds and flus and so on. Of course I still do but not as often as most.

So here it is, 

"I am well" - meaning I am not sick.

"I am healthy" - I don't have any diseases. 

"I am wealthy" - pertains to all aspects of wealth. Love, finances, health and more.

The one thing you all need to remember is it takes time. No one person is the same, has the same knowledge, the same thoughts, the same dreams and goals. Therefore the results are not the same for everyone. Nor is the timeframe for the results. If you have the knowledge then it would take you less time to  attain your goal as opposed to someone who has to acquire the knowledge prior to attaining the same said goal. This is what they mean by alignment. To get what you want you have to focus on what you want, this in turn will get you what you need or need to know in order to be aligned with what you want. Once you are aligned with what you want the goal will be there for the taking. Odd thing is, it may or may not be exactly what you thought it would be. It may come in an other form as in my better paying job was right where I was in the first place. I had always figured I would have to change jobs to get a better pay.

I know one thing for sure, if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten. So try it for yourself, what have you got to lose.

Well I think I will end this session here for now. If you have specific questions maybe I have an answer for you or even some insight as to where you can get what you need.

by the way