Sunday, October 05, 2008

Working Hard to Increase sales

I opened my CP Shop in 2006 with a few basic stores that showed a few sales and mildly took care of it. For about 1 year now I have been working hard on getting the quality and quantity or items up as well as marketing. For the most part I make happy faces, very special ones.

It took a while but I have seen a increase in sales because of it. This post I read on the CafePress forums has given me some insight and new ideas for marketing to use on top of those I have now. One of which is giving out T-shirts to friends that are always in public areas like a computer tech in a college and an other who is in a band that may be touring with Genesis (HOLY CRAP THATS A GOOD ONE). I even created a special private section for marketing with t-shirts that have a definite marketing edge that I purchase myself and give out. These ideas came to me when I really started focusing on my products. 

Like Zap said, Think outside the box. Look around and see who your friends are and what they do. Ask them if they would mind wearing one of your shirts or even if there is a special one they want that you can make for them but add your store link or name on it as well. Have some cool decals made up for your Car or truck if your on the road a lot.

I also have an external site that looks and feels just like my CP store.

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