Sunday, August 26, 2007

We are all normal and insane

I posted about this before  but this is a revision.

I am neither a scientists nor a psychologist but I have always wondered about the human intellect? My thoughts are mostly about what people do in relation to what they are thinking.

Of course what we ourselves do is never crazy. What we do for ourselves is completely sane, isn't it? my honest opinion it is completely sane for one to do what they need to do and at the same time when viewed from an other perspective it is TOTALY nuts. So the question is. How do you know who is really nuts and who is sane.

"Insane" by psychological definition is to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Know any one like that? Guess we are all guilty of that at one point or another. But does that really make us insane? For me, it always comes back to the same question. I am insane to ask myself this question repeatedly?

A bird trapped in a building will continuously try to fly through a closed window until it dies trying to get out. Does that make it insane or desperate or is that the same thing? Does this mean that Desperation will make us do insane things?

What if the psychologists are the ones that are crazy, telling us what we are supposed to feel and what normal is. What really is normal? Is normal someone who is sedate and has no reaction to their surroundings or the extremist that overreacts for every little situation.
From what I can tell there is no normal. Normal is relative you who you are, what you have been through and how well you can cope with your current situations. For some that means destruction of ones self or others. For others it means complete retreat from everyday life. But again, which one is normal? My answer, we are all normal taking into consideration where and what we have been through. Unfortunately for the extremists this is not socially acceptable since they may hurt others with their version of normal.

Psychologists basically want you to conform to their version of normal but who says they are normal themselves? Is it that little piece of paper called a diploma? Who wrote that paper and are they normal too? The question never ends so I will end it here.

Thank you

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