Sunday, August 26, 2007

We are all normal and insane

I posted about this before  but this is a revision.

I am neither a scientists nor a psychologist but I have always wondered about the human intellect? My thoughts are mostly about what people do in relation to what they are thinking.

Of course what we ourselves do is never crazy. What we do for ourselves is completely sane, isn't it? my honest opinion it is completely sane for one to do what they need to do and at the same time when viewed from an other perspective it is TOTALY nuts. So the question is. How do you know who is really nuts and who is sane.

"Insane" by psychological definition is to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Know any one like that? Guess we are all guilty of that at one point or another. But does that really make us insane? For me, it always comes back to the same question. I am insane to ask myself this question repeatedly?

A bird trapped in a building will continuously try to fly through a closed window until it dies trying to get out. Does that make it insane or desperate or is that the same thing? Does this mean that Desperation will make us do insane things?

What if the psychologists are the ones that are crazy, telling us what we are supposed to feel and what normal is. What really is normal? Is normal someone who is sedate and has no reaction to their surroundings or the extremist that overreacts for every little situation.
From what I can tell there is no normal. Normal is relative you who you are, what you have been through and how well you can cope with your current situations. For some that means destruction of ones self or others. For others it means complete retreat from everyday life. But again, which one is normal? My answer, we are all normal taking into consideration where and what we have been through. Unfortunately for the extremists this is not socially acceptable since they may hurt others with their version of normal.

Psychologists basically want you to conform to their version of normal but who says they are normal themselves? Is it that little piece of paper called a diploma? Who wrote that paper and are they normal too? The question never ends so I will end it here.

Thank you

Fuel Economy and your Driving!

It truly troubles me when I see a full size truck doing 150kmph(90mph). Only 2 things can come of this, one is you may have a nasty accident and the other is you will burn a LOT of fuel.

As far as fuel economy goes 4 cylinder Japanese car is usually the way to go. Don't go cheap on your 4 banger or you will regret it. The Rice burners are leaders in fuel economy and as such should be exploited.

Ask yourself if the car you are driving is what you need. Do you really need a large vehicle, could you make due with something smaller and more economic?

Here is a list of things to do in order to save fuel regardless of what you drive and in the process become a better driver.

1- Make sure you car is in order and clean. That means Air filter, fuel filter, oil changes, Tire pressure, Spark plugs and wires. There is more but these are the main ones.

2- Do not drive so fast. This means take off slower, and obey the speed limit. Most manual cars have a shift light to indicate when is the best time to shift, USE IT and keep the RPM’s as low as possible. I can easily shift below 3000 RPM and still have a decent take off speed. Remember, you’re not in a race.

3- Don't use your brakes so much. Often I notice people braking when they do not have to. Many times just letting go of the accelerator is enough, especially on the highway.

4- Coast whenever you can. If your driving and see a traffic light is red at a distance in front of you ease off the accelerator and coast to the traffic light. Often it will turn green before you get there and you won't even need to stop. This also has a bonus effect on the life of your brake pads.

5- If you can, take the back roads. I have noticed something in June of 2007 when I visited my brother. I took the highway there and drove at about 120kmph/75mph. On the way home I took the back roads or routes for which I could not really go more than 100kmph/62mph most of the time. Well I literally saw about 150km/90miles more on my trip meter on one tank full. The other option is not to go over the posted speed limit on the highway ( I know it’s hard).

6- Upgrading certain parts of you car to get better fuel burn can also improve efficiency and performance. A performance ignition system may do this for you. Any of those off the shelf toys that say they increase efficiency usually don't (watch myth busters).

7- Tires, those uber performance tires that are wider than you aunt Edna's ass will definitely cost you more in fuel. They do provide more traction but also more drag. The thinner the tire is the less drag it has. Go with the tire size that the manufacturer put on the car in the first place. It was designed to use them anyway.

8- Don’t do anything to change your cars aerodynamic shape. Almost anything you add to the car's exterior will increase the drag and weight therefore your fuel consumption will increase.

9- The estimated fuel economy on the window sticker of your new car gives you certain details as to how economical the car is supposed to be. What they don't tell you is that these ratings are based on a car doing 90kmph/55mph on the highway and 40kmph/25mph in the city (don't quote me on this one but I have read this on a few forums and sites). As for Hybrids, some savvy drivers can get just as good or even better economy than most hybrid cars, which is not to say Hybrids are bad.

10-DO NOT LEAVE YOU CAR IDLING! You car uses more gas when idling then you think so unless you have kids in the car during really cold weather then DON"T IDLE.

11-WALK! If you're just going to the store a few blocks away and you're in no hurry then why not walk there or even take a little bike ride? Besides, it’s good for you.

12-Take the bus or train (electric if possible). Commuter trains are a great way to get from the suburbs to the city and most of them will take you right downtown. This is great if your going shopping with family or friends and you don't have to worry about feeding the Parking meter every 2 hours.

That's it! Common sense mostly.

Thank you for reading………

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Global Consciousness vs. "The Force"

Well for starters I am an atheist. God and religion mean absolutely nothing to me. However, I am still struggling with spirituality. This is where my topic comes into play, sorta.

Let me explain a few things before I get into it. I will make the connection don't worry.

First off I am a big fan of Star Wars and the famous "May the Force be with you" phrase. Not a convention going fan but more about the mystery surrounding the "Force". I know what you're saying, not another star wars freak pushing the Force, but I have a connection with reality you will see.

I have recently seen a show on Discovery talking about "Global Consciousness" or what they think may be such. This is basically (a global network of random event generators) some little sensors around the world that sort of detect conscious activity if my understanding is correct. See here for more info and if you want to understand the process.

Quote from :"We have learned that when millions of us share intentions and emotions the GCP/EGG network shows correlations. We can interpret this as evidence for participation in a growing global consciousness. It suggests we have the capability and responsibility for conscious evolution."

Now here goes the correlation between the 2.

The Force is all around us hence so would be a global consciousness.
When something happened in the Star wars universe like many people dying, those who were tuned into the force felt it. In the global consciousness their tests show that when 911 happened the sensors spiked around the world thus telling us something occurs when everyone thinks of the same thing.

The force can help heal or change things and I believe global consciousness can as well.
A Jedi could influence his surroundings and global consciousness can as well. If someone is sick or dying and a truly large number of people are praying for them and therefore thinking about this sick person it may send them the energy to heal them either completely or partially. I don't think we as a race are evolved enough to Heal per say but what if we could help the process along just by thinking about it in great numbers.
A few years ago my daughter had a brain tumor and there were thousands of people (as far as I know) praying for her. She had a few surgeries and treatments and as of today is healthy but I can't help thinking that if no one had thought about her every time they were praying, would the outcome have been the same.

Dark Side vs. the good guys
Obviously the dark side is very bad and don't think I need to explain Darth Vader or the Emperor. Ok so if we as a race were to focus on lets say the negative impacts of global warming or War for that matter and that global consciousness is in fact a reality don't you think it could make things worst. This is also a big part of personal success as in if you focus on the negative you will get more negative. Here is an example. People like to see misery, right? Don't believe me? How many people watch the news every day? The news if filled with crap like traffic, death, war, murder, scams, riots, politics and so on. Why do they put this on the news, because people want it! So more people watching negative crap on TV means the news people will only put more Negative crap on the next day and so on. If you say it has to do with ratings you are partially right but don't forget the power of global consciousness. If everyone is only dishing out negative vibes then they are sort of ordering more negative vibe from the universe. So just like in the Star Wars universe the dark side is easy to succumb to and attractive to all. What do you think would happen if we focused on the Positive stuff? Watching the news only when they showed us the good in the world.

May the global consciousness be with you.